Take Blessings of Lord PatitaPabana while watching Door Opening at Sri Jagannatha temple

watch Sri jagannath temple Door Opening today


Sri Jagannatha temple in Puri opened to public today at 4.17 AM in the morning. Concerned servitor designated as Bhitarchha Mohapatra Opened the Lion’s Gate and worshipped Lord Jagannatha as per the rituals. Then Patitapabana door opened and devottes started worshipping him. The Concerned Pujapanda Servitor served first “Alati” to the Shri Patita pabana.

As per Sri Jagannatha temple administration, 29 rituals will follow this Dwar phita or Door opening ritual. After washing of inner compound, Mangala Alayti will take place. Then Mailama, Tadapalagi, Abakasha will took place continuously. After Abakasha or bathing rituals, a special Yajna will take place in the Kitchen, termed as Rosha Homa. This is scheduled at 7.15 in the morning and the preparation of Mahaprasad will start from this.

at 8.30 AM first Bhoga is scheduled to be held. 2nd Bhoga is scheduled at 12.30 PM and evening Bhoga is scheduled at 7.20 PM. The Deties will go to sleep at 12.00 in the midight.


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